In the Fall Semester 2023, the reading is organized by
Luca Tasin
(with the collaboration of
Roberto Svaldi).
We will read on the birational classification of foliations on surfaces.
The main goal will be to understand the classification that was carried out at the turn of the 20th century by, mainly, McQuillan, Brunella, and Mendes and that grew out of McQuillan's proof of the Green-Griffiths Conjecture for general type surfaces satisfying certain numerical constraints.
Time permetting, we will try to get an introduction to recent techniques, problems, and results for foliations on higher dimensional varieties (and rank higher than 1).
The reading course, at least ofr the part concerning foliations on surfaces, will loosely follow the now-classical reference book
Birational geometry of foliations
by Marco Brunella, which we shall indicate with [Bru] below.
Lectures and calendar
To see a tentative calendar and list of topics for the reading seminar just click
If you are interested in giving one of the talks, please contact Luca or Roberto.
Here is the list of lectures together with the materials:
23.10.2023. Roberto Svaldi:
Introduction and motivations for the study of the birational geometry of foliations.
definition of foliation;
some basic examples;
motivations for studying foliations:
the Green-Griffiths Conjecture and McQuillan's proof in the case of surfaces;
Miyaoka's Generic Semipositivity Theorem;
destabilizing subsheaves of the tangent bundle and the proof of the Abundance Conjecture in dimension three;
analogies with the Minimal Model Program and the classification of surfaces;
foliated singularities, resolution (or, rather lack thereof), and Seidenberg's theorem;
the foliated MMP for foliated surfaces and the current state of the art.
N. Shepherd-Barron,
Miyaoka's Theorem on the generic semipositivity of \( T_X \) and on the Kodaira dimension of minimal regular threefolds,
Chapter 9 of
Flips and abundance for algebraic threefolds (Salt Lake City, UT, 1991)
Astérisque(1992), no.211, pp. 1–258.
30.10.2023. Luca Tasin:
Basics on the structure of foliations on surfaces.
the exact sequence of a foliation on a smooth surface and equivalent definitions using vector fields and differential forms;
local examples;
multiplicity of singularities and formula to compute the global multiplicity, see [Bru, Proposition 2.1];
invariant curves and adjunction formulas, see [Bru, Propositions 2.2-3];
global examples: fibrations and foliations on the projective plane, cf. [Bru, 2.3].