Roberto Svaldi - Teaching


Semestre estivo

Boundedness questions for Calabi--Yau varieties, Summer School "Calabi-Yau varieties", 29.07-02.08.2024, Cetraro, Italia.

Semestre primaverile

Matematica del Discreto, Corso di Laurea in Informatica, Unimi.
Matematica del Continuo, Corso di Laurea in Sicurezza dei sistemi e delle reti informatiche, Unimi.

Semestre autunnale

Matematica (Linea A-L), Corso di Laurea in Biotecnologie, Unimi.
Reading group: birational geometry of foliations on surfaces.


Semestre autunnale

Matematica Generale (Linea M-Z), Corso di Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Unimi.
Matematica (Linea A-L), Corso di Laurea in Biotecnologie, Unimi.


Spring semester

Complex manifolds, EPFL.

Winter semester

Analyse I (Anglais)/Analysis I (English), EPFL.


Winter semester

Analyse I (Anglais)/Analysis I (English), EPFL.


Winter semester

Rings and modules, EPFL.
Complex manifolds, EPFL.


Lent Term

Supervisor for 10 students for Groups, Rings and Modules, 1B, Churchill College.
Supervisor for 7 students for Geometry, 1B, Churchill College.

Michaelmas Term

Supervisor for 12 students for Groups, 1A, Churchill College.


Summer Term

6-week study project for an undergraduate student on advanced topics in Algebraic Geometry.

Lent Term

Positivity in Algebraic Geometry, Part III course, University of Cambridge.

Michaelmas Term

Supervisor for 13 students for Linear Algebra, 1B, Churchill College.


Lent Term

Linear Systems, Part III course, University of Cambridge.

Supervisor for 9 students for Groups, Rings and Modules, 1B, Churchill College.
Supervisor for 10 students for Geometry, 1B, Churchill College.

Michaelmas Term

Introduction to birational geometry, Minicourse in 6 lectures,
part of the Ph.D. course "Topics in algebro-geometric stability" at SISSA.


Lent Term

Supervisor for 9 students for Groups, Rings and Modules, 1B, Churchill College.
Supervisor for 10 students for Geometry, 1B, Churchill College.

Michaelmas Term

Supervisor for 12 students for Analysis II, 1B, Churchill College.
Supervisor for 8 students for Topology and Metric Spaces, 1B, Churchill College.



18.095 MAthematics Lecture Series (Recitation Leader and organizer)


Summer semester

18.085 Computational Science And Engineering I (Instructor)


18.095 MAthematics Lecture Series (Recitation Leader and organizer)

Fall semester

18.02 Multivariable Calculus (Recitation Leader)


Spring semester

Grader for 18.085 (Computational Science and Engineering I)

Fall semester

Grader for 18.112 (Functions of one complex variable) and 18.755 (Introduction to Lie Groups)