Roberto Svaldi

Dipartimento di Matematica 'Federigo Enriques' - Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Cesare Saldini 50
20133 Milano (MI)
office: Stanza 2102, Dipartimento di Matematica 'Federigo Enriques'
phone: +39 02 503 16153
e-mail: name.surname (at)

Current Position:
Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B (RTDB, tenure track researcher) at the Department of Mathematics of University of Milan.
I am currently funded by the Program for Young Researchers 'Rita Levi Montalcini' of the Italian Ministry of Research and University.

Previous Positions:
I obtained my doctoral degree from the Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2015, under the supervision of James McKernan.
From 2019 to 2022, I was a Bernoulli Instructor at the Institute of Mathematics of École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne. Until the end of 2021, I was also a Marie Curie Fellow hosted by the Chair of Algebraic Geometry at EPFL, working on my research project "Birational and moduli problems in algebraic geometry" (BirModProbAG).
From 2015 to 2019 I was a Research Fellow at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics of the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow and College Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at Churchill College, Cambridge.
During AY 2016/17 I held a visiting position at the Area of Mathematics of SISSA, Trieste, where I joined the group of Jacopo Stoppa as assegnista di ricerca (visiting assistant professor).

Curriculum vitae (click here for the version in Italian)

Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1489-5899.

Research Interests:
Birational geometry of higher dimensional algebraic varieties.
Geometry of Fano and Calabi-Yau varieties.
Structure of algebraic foliations with mild singularities.

Selected publications

Full list of publications

Vacancies in Geometry/Algebra at the University of Milan (no opening currently available)


Cetraro lecture notes

Theses and projects: If you are a student considering undertaking a project or a thesis under my supervision, you can just get in touch with me via email to discuss my availability and what the possible options are.
Tesi di laurea e progetti di studio indipendente: gli studenti interessati ad un progetto di studio indipendente o una tesi di laurea/dottorato sotto la mia supervisione, possono contattarmi per email per discutere la mia disponibilità ed le possibili opzioni.

I support this statement of inclusiveness.

Some useful links:

Algebraic Geometry group at Università di Milano.
On writing mathematical texts (by B. Poonen).
Upcoming conference in AG (by R. Vakil)
UMI - Collaborazioni Matematiche con il Sud Globale

(last update 29.07.2024)